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Repairing a Car



Why should I take a careful look at this opportunity? Does your business NEED something?


Is your automotive business not quite where you expected it to be, or need it to be? Are your profit margins down, has business slowed down, are you working harder then ever before and not making what you should? Well these are strong reasons to look at the BOSS partnership opportunity. BOSS can offer you significantly better buying power, thereby substantially saving you money on products your currently purchasing, resulting in much higher profit margins. But more importantly, introduce you to customers you're not currently seeing, for high profit jobs you're not currently doing. Accessorizing is a $34 Billion per year industry and consumers prefer a reputable independent shop to do the work. Because customers want these jobs versus a needed repair, it can change the whole dynamic of your business. It can in fact, distinguish you clearly from your competition.

Why shouldn't I just buy a bender?


Because you will never realize the buying power BOSS can afford you. That may sound bold, but it's a fact. Our training on the small details is second to none. And it's always the small details that make the big difference. And finally, we do marketing that is precision focused on getting results. Our opportunity, when granted, is unparalleled in value and results.

What makes Boss Different and The Intelligent Choice?


Unlike other companies that look to expand their brand at your expense by front loading their programs with non-performing components....BOSS only gives you what you NEED to SUCCEED! We don't tell you we're going to advertise on the radio and in the newspaper, both of which are "old fashion" forms of advertising that are no longer effective, and which you pay handsomely for. We don't provide you with signage under our name, when we are looking to promote your name. We are directly connected to more of the biggest brand manufacturers in the country and based on our system of identifying the best product solutions for your needs, you will NOT be able to buy product cheaper. If we are engaged with you... You are already successful. The potential partnering with BOSS can prove to be the most intelligent decision you can make in taking your automotive business to the next level.

I don't do this work. How would I get the business?


Through a very powerful and proven digital marketing campaign that gives you prominence online through SEO, Google Ad Campaigns, and Social Media Advertising with monthly tracking reports to monitor your results. You will be provided with plenty of visuals in the way of bay banner signage, a display rack, and point of purchase sales material.

I'm tight for space, how much inventory do I need to stock?


You don't need to stock anything, in that one to two day delivery is available, in most cases. Many of our dealers are 2 bay shops who order inventory as they need it. In addition, our Pipe Bender is 3' Wide x 4' Long, and sits on industrial steel castors so it can easily be moved around.

How do you know I can be competitive in my market?


Because we do a complete market analysis before ever engaging in conversation with shop owners. We determine who else in your area does this work, what they charge for popular jobs, what kind of guarantee they give and how much of this accessorizing they do. This data is essential so our trainer can guide you on pricing competitively.

Why might leasing be an attractive option for me?


Because you are using "other people's money" and freeing up your available cash. You can get into the program for less then $500 out of pocket and we can demonstrate, to your satisfaction, how the program will pay for itself from the first month on and show you immediate net profit. Most important, Leasing offers considerable tax benefits.

I'm too busy of a shop to do this!


Are you thinking like the smart business owner you are? You know that busy certainly does not always equate to profitable. You've remained in business many years....keep your eyes on the numbers! Is there anything you're currently doing in your shop that has an 80% profit margin? More often than not the answer is "No!" Here's a real, proven opportunity to slowly integrate high profit jobs into your shop requiring just a couple of hours per week.

What do you look for in selecting a shop to become your dealer?


We look for an established automotive shop who's brand we can leverage, run by an honest, ethical business owner. Most important, we look for a shop owner who has a NEED to improve his business and our opportunity not only fits that need, but gets that business owner very excited about its potential. As one of our dealers said, "I haven't been this excited about something since I opened my doors."

I'm short mechanics/techs and I don't feel I have the time.


Many of our dealers are one-man operations with no techs. Their business position is the work they do HAS to have high profit margins. So if you are short mechanics, you have to make sure the work you do has healthy profit margins!

How would I know how to price out these jobs?


Our trainer will give you specific guidelines to pricing out jobs on both a retail and wholesale basis. Our platform is seamless. You will be given a user name and proprietary password giving you access to pricing and products from approximately 800 different manufacturers.

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